Monday, January 18, 2010

Its been awhile

Whats everybody, Its me, Domino, blogging again. Sorry for the lapse. but i figured that it would be easier for me as well as you the reader, if i didnt blog every day. The work week takes alot out of me and the weekend i tend to stay busy. A lot has happened since i last wrote. The weekend has come and gone. Had a pretty good weekend. It was eventfull and entertaining. Saturday sucked a little. friday started tax season, so my company decided to start making us work every saturday till 1 p.m. Nobody came in, which made for a really slow couple of hours. But i suffered through it and finished it. The night before , i took steph to knoxville to get a phone. She got a motorola droid. this phone is awesome. It blows blackberry away. When i can upgrade, i will be purchasing one. Over this weekend, we saw two movies. " The book of Eli " and " Sherlock Holmes ". Both were really good movies. Slow but good. I recommend them to go see. Both main actors did a really good job and i could see them winning awrds for the portrayals of the characters they played. It rained sunday, which made me want to be lazy, but i wasnt and life went on . lol. Not much else really happened. i think for the most part...... I live a drama free life. Does it mean im boring. NO. Just means im careful, not stupid and dont put up with a bunch of crap. On a lighter note. My friend Chris txt me earlier today and said that " He was gonna be a dad". Im happy for him, but deep inside im hurt, jealous and upset. All the trying and not trying is really starting to wear on me. Why am i rushing fatherhood. I dont know. I feel im ready and i think it would benefit my marriage and make it stronger. Not having a dad in my life has made me want to up the ante, and be a better dad than mine was. Well its late and my pillow is calling. Until next time.

Ya'll stay hard, keep jammin' and we'll see you....


1 comment:

  1. Don't sweat it. It will happen. We had one and then for 6 years... nothing, until we finally got lucky to have #2. All the trying in the world is good, but it's really a crap shoot. Good luck!
