Saturday, January 2, 2010

Exploring new things

Whats up everyone, Domino the weirdo king coming to you again, for yet another blog entry. I actually think I am getting this whole blog thing down. I actually thought that I would have quit by now, but I'm still going strong. Today was a very productive, but relaxing day. Spent the day with my wife and mother-in-law. Took her to Knoxville, went to this french store, called Target. While we were there, stopped at Starbucks. The coffee was good and hit the spot. We ate at this little mexican spot called " Border Taco ". It was good. Cheap, but good. After we got home, i sat and worked on a video, that I will be loading up on youtube. The loading process is taking a while, but i hope to have it done shortly. The 365 project is done as well. To see todays entry, just click here.
As I'm writing this, I'm watching " The Hangover ". This has probably got to be, one of the most funniest movies, that i've seen, in a really long time. Well, I got only one more day of my weekend left, then its back to a full work week. Gonna go and finish watching the movie and hit the hay!
Until next time........

Stay hard, keep jamming, and we'll see you.....


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