Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Where do i go from here.

Hello friends, its me, the weirdo king comin at ya, with a hard topic. Sorry i havent posted in a while. Blogging, to me, comes is spurts. Sometimes my mind is full and sometimes my mind wanders aimlessly, trying to search for things. i guess with the upcoming things, i hope to be writing more to express my feeling. Anyway, to the topic at hand. Last night, something that i had been trying to hold onto for so long, finally ended. Without going into details, my wife and I are filing papers for a divorce. We have been seperated for seven months now and over each passing month we were growing farther and farther apart. I love her very dearly and im in an emotional state that i just cant describe. so those that read this, u being my close friends. i cold really use the support. i might be down, but ill will rise again. my kingdom will flourish with lots of guidance and help. ill post as time progresses. im not gone just yet, so dont forget me.

Untill then, yall stay hard, keep jammin, and we'll see ya.



  1. I hope you give credence to advice given to you from a man who has been down the road your going, not once...but twice.

    Instead of looking at it as a loss, see it as a gain. You have your freedom! You can go and flirt with any chic you want. And if it is agreeable, you can have any chic you want.

    Now, don't be like me and get married again. Stay single!

    Your soon to be ex wife may be waiting for you to fall apart. Don't give her that satisfaction. You are a good guy Dub...don't let anyone else tell you differently.

  2. hang in there babe. allow yourself to feel all the stages of grief to get over it and move on. enjoy life day to day - don't get caught up in expectations and just watch all the wonderful things that happen. open to the possibilities!!!!

    xxx ~ Jezzy

  3. You'll get through it even if you don't think you will or even want to dude. Just hang in there and keep moving forward and things will get better.
