Tuesday, November 23, 2010

i'm back. not as much. i need to vent

Whats up everybody. Domino the weirdo king coming to you live once again, and i might add, its been a very long time since i last posted a blog. lots have happened since we last spoke or my last post but i wont dwell into everything. i'm sure your thinking, "thank god", so ill keep it simple. A lot of y'all that know me, know that i lost my job and have been looking, finding, and getting denied since June. more recently have i been going on more and more interviews. and like all of them Ive either been denied or i'm still waiting an outcome. its really been rough. not only on me but people that surround me. Ive become somewhat of a different person, and i really hate it. i want to be me and feel like i'm letting folks down. my venting will be short and sweet. they say in this world that the job rate is down. i figured out why. most jobs want you to be qualified or over qualified which i think is utter bullshit. how can one not learn if he or she isn't trained or hasn't gone to school for it. what ever happened to on the job training. all i say is give people a chance, you might have a diamond in the rough...... so to speak! things that have helped me through have been my wife. shes always there for me, even when i'm an evil prick. also, my twitter friends. ya'll guys rock. each and everyone of you give me support and make me smile when i think i'm all out of smiles. i have cherished getting to meet and conversate with all of you and i owe you each a big thank you. hopefully meeting in person at a big get together is not far off. in the future, what is in store for me. i'm not for sure. i hope to blog more and just get more creative with what i enjoy. the internet is so vast of many things to do and create. watch out, this could be interesting. thanks again for all those who read this. and if you happen to be a first time reader, i'm really not a bad guy and whatever people tell you.... i'm not crazy!

So until next time.....

Ya'll stay hard, keep jam-min and we'll see ya...


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